Saturday 8 March 2014

안녕 to my college life 👋

It's been a week since my last update in this space. I used to post almost everyday during February. But this first week of March was really busy and I was up to many things until I really can't squeeze out anytime to blog. 

And now, I can finally have some proper rest after the tiring week. Since I have the chance to wake up late tomorrow, I decided to spend some time on this blog before I run to my bed. 

If you followed my Instagram (@magdelovinit), you can roughly know that I started my college life and I was up to many parties and just attended a church event few hours ago. 

So, I will start the post today with my orientation in the college first! 

Instead of wasting times at home, I decided to enter the college after three months of holidays. During the three months, I worked, and did almost everything I wanted to do after I graduate. So it's time to back to the daily routines - studies. 

I'm taking the ADP (American Degree Programme) in Segi College, major in Marketing and Management. I'm also interested in psychology. But I think management helps more in my future career so I will just take that. 

Many of them asked me, why Segi College? Because Segi College is more suitable to my style, as it's more 'friendly'. 

I went to the orientation for two days. Met a whole gang of crazy people and it was really great to meet them. Only 10 of us attended the orientation, sadly. Few of them left before the orientation ended. So I actually made 6 friends, which are Melody, Fatimah, Zoe, Connie, Ailing, Alex and Razid. I'm gonna post their photo later! 

I was really scare at the day before the orientation. It's been too long since my last day of high school. And now, I'm entering the college and I can't imagine how's the college life would be. It's a new challenge for me as it's a new school, new environment, new people, new strangers, new subjects, new outfits, but the old me. It took me about half an hour to decide what to wear to the orientation. I'm not sure if the conference room will be cold or hot, so it's kinda hard for me to make a decision on what to wear. So I ended up wearing a top with a shorts, and also a jacket. 

I reached the school an hour before the orientation started. Facing the new environment, I don't know where should I go and what should I do during the one hour. So I just sat at a corner of the canteen and kept doing sudoku. But luckily, the counsellor and the seniors there were really friendly and cute, they made the orientation much more interesting as I expected. I thought it's gonna be really boring and sleepy so I brought sudoku and iPhone charger, just in case I play my phone until battery flat. LOL. 

So here, are the gang of friends I met! 

Melody- the one that was holding the camera. She called herself Pwincess Melody. Haha X) 

Alex- the one sat beside me. Same age with me but much more taller compare to me. He is only 20 days older than me but the height... -_-

And blah blah blah. It's gonna be super long if I describe every of them out. So I will just skip this? 

Ms.Lai- the counsellor that guided us during the orientation! Which is also a friend of mine now. 

Gonna blog more about them next time as we gonna spend times together for the next few years! 


It's kinda late now. So I think I will just post some sneak peek of my next post! Which is about the birthday party I joined during the week before and also my first ever church event!

The birthday party we hosted for Mawen and Megan! 

Birthday Party of Adrian and Megas! 

Goodnight! x 


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