Friday 14 March 2014


Hello peeps!

It's Saturday today! How's your Saturday? 

Hope your Saturday goes well since mine is gonna be well too!
Attending the birthday party hosted by Megan tonight.

From my previous post, I wrote about my thoughts towards the new part of my life - college.
Here's some add-ons after I attended the lessons for two days. Because now is the period for soft intake, so we are actually studying the MQA subjects. The subject we studying now is basic composition, so the lessons were just essays essays essays.

However, the lessons were kinda fun because of the girls - Melody and Zoe. We took kinda lots of selfies and whatsapped alot during the lessons. It doesn't means that we were not concentrate during the lessons, but sometimes, we just need to do something to make the lessons more interesting and, meaningful.

The lessons weren't boring like the lessons we usually had in secondary school. (I mean the way the teachers teach.) Actually we can do anything we want in the class, we can bring laptop and phones to play, we can eat in the class. So these are actually the non-stress study environment, like the lecturer said.

More stories and photos of my college life updating soon in my Instagram (@magdelovinit) and this space! 

So now, I will continue with the stories that I talked about in my last post!

Mawen & Megan's Birthday Party

" Truly great friends are hard to find, 
difficult to leave, 
and impossible to forget."

As I chose 'Three' for the topic of this post, 
it means that the three of us will always stick together 
and play the roles of goodfriends in each others' life.

The birthday party we organised for my two babies was kinda successful! Held the party at Chef at Home. The food there were delicious. The only thing that's not really good was the environment, the environment was too good until we couldn't make too much noise. Other customers would stare at us like we annoyed them once we made too much noise. But we still had lots of fun! The whole party was full of gossips and camwhore so I think I will just leave the rest part of the party to the photos.

*their expressions while reading the letter I wrote for them*

*some candids*

Took kinda lots of time in uploading these photos :O 
So, I think I will just leave the Adrian & Megas's Birthday Party into my next upcoming post! 
Having another birthday party hosted by Megan tonight!
So, my next post will probably about these two parties x

Sneak Peek : 

Have a blessed Saturday everyone x

Happy birthday Auntie Cicak! 

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