Saturday 5 April 2014

Summarizing the weeks

Hello guys! 

I'm finally back to this space after a couple weeks. Currently busy with work, lessons, homeworks, houseworks and maybe hmmm trying to squeeze some times out for my beloved Syee (aka Babi) since she's finally back to Kuching! 

Yes, I started to work again. Almost every mornings of the week before were occupied by the new job. Getting use to be a waitress now, it's the first time I try the job other than being a promoter. I get to learn how to make coffee (which also indirectly making me to fall in love with coffee), serving customers, drawing arts on the coffee, and blah blah blah...

The lovely seniors held a welcoming party for the ADP newbies, which are us! Having lots of fun during the party and it's really tiring too, as we played some games like they took from Running Man! Running here and there in the college and tried really hard to finish the mission. College is really different with high school huh? :P 

Decided to upload some photos that were saved in my phone since few days ago, and some of them are already posted on Instagram! 

These photos documented the hangouts and gathering with friends, the new job, and also part of the college life of course. 

Can only make this post a short one, I apologize. It's kinda late now and I have to get up earlier tomorrow morning for another upcoming activities tomorrow! 

Maybe gonna be away from this space for few days, or maybe for weeks, or maybe months... So kindly keep an eye on my Instagram for more updates! (@magdelovinit)

Til next time, x

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