Thursday 28 August 2014

I'm back to Blogger 🎆

Magdelovinit is back to this space 🙈

Packed the holidays and weeks with part-time jobs, work on the online shops, baking cookies for customers and thoughts about how to improve my business. 

Just started my first week of the third semester. Having this Intercultural Communication class now and I can say this is the first class that impressed me the most within this week. Why? Because of the game the lecturer thought of. 

Two students from the class were appointed to be the aliens. The rest of the students will be the ummm... Earthlings. The aliens have the machine that can translate what we say into their language but they don't understand what are the things we are referring to. 

Dogs, Tables & Computers

We have to give them hints on the characteristics of these items but the hints cannot be too obvious and we need to confuse them. (How can we do these to aliens huh? Later they attack the Earth) 😂 

The lecturer asked my group to give hints on tables. 
- some are big and some are small
- various colours
- it shakes. 
- it is flat.
- it is useful. 
- it has 4 legs.

One of the alien guessed elephants  while we have the tips : 4 legs and big&small 🐘 *Emily aka elephant, if you're reading this, Ryan was the alien 😂

The hints for the computer: 
- it has screen
- many sizes
- human needs
- uses electricity

Answers from the aliens : Fridge & Microwave 

This class is do much better than the other classes because the other classes are borin and tiring, especially the night class :( 

Will try my best to update this space as frequent as I can 😋

Instagram // magdelovinit 
Wechat // magdelovinit 

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