Wednesday 24 July 2013

灯系列2013 (2)

Okay my friend was complaining that
I wrote too little for this event
This is a very important memory for us
So he requested me to write more more moreeeeeeeeee
(He din't even post about it) 

" Why you post so little about the event? "
" I expected you to write more about it. " 
" You should post some photos. "
" You see all of us were so happy and yet you post so little about it? "
- Mawen

So, I'm gonna repost and post more about this event
(clap hands)


I joined this event for two years already
Since I was form 4
This is an event organised by the Buddhist club
Our school had lose for 3 years already
That was kinda sad
Other schools did very very well

We lose again this year
But it's okay
We had a lot of fun this year
Although this year's practices are kinda rush
The seniors this year tried the new method of teaching

This method works
We are all having nice moments during the practice
Before we went to the competition
We had a small meeting with the sifu at the temple

"Treat it as a performance but not a competition,
don't care about the results,
you are all winners if you try your best."
- Sifu

Sifu's words are really good
Her words mean a lot to our life
During this event,
I learnt a lot of stuffs
I learnt how to pray correctly
And the rules of temples

I think I'm gonna put more effort on these Buddhist thingy
There's a meeting on this saturday
for all the Buddhist
that are sitting for exams
I hope my mum allow me to go
Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeee mama

ps. I just had my mum approval to go to the meeting
(yay yay yay!)

okay let's add some photossss

After we performed our parts
and while other schools are performing
We tried this
the 'thousand-hands-guan-yin'
It's successful
(rasa best)

Thank you thank you

and a video here for you guys

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