Wednesday 31 July 2013


Hey guys!
It's been a long time since my last post
Was kinda busy these few weeks

Well I went for a meeting last saturday
It's a meeting for exam peoples
(only for buddhist sorry)
There's only 6 persons from my school
So it's kinda awkward
And this is my first time joining this kind of meeting
But its good that those seniors are quite friendly

That's a double-storey-temple
We assembled downstairs and
Each of us were given a lotus light
Isit called lotus light?
Okay I google translated and it says that its lotus light
I'm not sure la because google translator is so shitty
Well each of us were given a candle
The candle is so nice!
It's in yellow somemore! 
I love Yellow
But mawen says yellow is YUCK

We left the candle nicely on a long table
And we need to do some worship as we enter the room
(worship - google translate too)
The ceremony was start by singing some sutra
(sutra - google translate)
Just like what christian always do in the church la
I joined some christian activities and experienced some
(good good)
After that was a talk by Sifu
She told us about some of her experiences of life
They also invited a counselor from CHMS no.1
It's a she
She brought her daughter there
Her daughter just graduated from taiwan university
She shared some of her study methods to us
I think they are quite good
So I'm gonna try those methods during this coming holidays
I'm gonna start studying!
(clap hands)

This week are kinda busy
I finished
a set of moral project
a set of addmaths project
and 4 chemistry reports
in 3 days time
I can't believe that I could done these in 3 days time
Big improvement

I had planned some study plan for holidays
In this coming holidays
I need to go for choir practices
And leave some days for my friends
Especially my primary school's friends
After this year
We are gonna study at different places
and there are less time for us to hangout together
So we are gonna hangout many times this year although its year for SPM
( Friends > SPM )
Besides time for choir and friends
I still need to reserve some times for
my DIET plan
( I must at least remove my tummy fats )

Any better ways to diet?
Like healthy ways
I know we should 
Eat well
Sleep well
Study well
what else? 
I'm gonna jog every evening during this holiday
but not extreme exercises
I need to control my heartbeats
Please do comment down there for suggestion!
( much appreciate )

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