Friday 2 August 2013

Some story about the magdelovinit 🙋

It's kind of weird that my own stories are not appearing at my first post
But it's my 10th post
I had once typed the word SELFIE on the column for title
When I'm thinking of what to write for my the new post
But it's end up with the tabs of the backscape
And it came out with the title
My Friends.

The second time I wanted to write about Selfie
The words SELFIE were once again got deleted because of my sis
She wants me to write about her.

So far
I had posted about
Friends 👭👬👫
My ear 👂
( which is the new characteristic of mine since few weeks ago - 
my left ear is always with a stylish Bluetooth device )
My sister 👭
My babe
And also the events I joined
But there's not even a post that is really about me
The magdelovinit 🙆

And finally, there's a post about me.

I should not start my stories with primary one standard
Hi my name is magdelyn. I'm now form 5. Studying in SMK Batu Lintang
blah blah blah 
I hate these kinds of essays

Okay here's a form 5 student
A blogger 💻
🎽 A shopaholic 👗
A crazy girl
A gossip queen
( according to her friend )
A mother tigress 👹
Typing this post and gonna talk about herself. 

This Magdelyn is really crazy that
She was thinking that her name is too long
And she hates it
Her name has 8 letters
M - A - G - D - E - L - Y - N
And she hates writing her name because her handwriting was so ugly and her name is so long
And she was always jealous that her sister has a name with only 3 letters
I - V - Y
But she is now proud of her name
It's special
And lovely
( smile )
Her mum gave her this name
Her mum wanted to name her yi ling for Chinese name
But her yeye is a feng shui shi
So he insisted to use the name he approved for my Chinese name
Luckily, it sounds good
She loves the name too because her yeye said 
the name means the life
This name will bring her luck
She loves both her name

The name magdelovinit comes from her nickname
Her friends were calling her McDonald since primary school
And you know the slogan for McDonald is I'm lovin' it
So she just combine the names and formed

She was living with her yeye and ahma since she was born
She don't like to sleep during afternoon
But old people always want their grandchildren to sleep so that got energy
So her yeye and her ahma will bring her out during the afternoon
She sleeps in the car
But she woke up and cried whenever the car stops
( laugh ) 
Maybe because she is the first grandchild of her yeye and ahma
They treats her like diamond
Her yeye even rush during the yellow lights just because he don't want his grandchild to wake up
( xoxo to yeye )

She don't like to sleep before 9pm
But her mama always wants her to sleep before 9pm when she was still 4 or maybe, 5
Her bedroom has windows facing the car pouch
She always leave her bed and waits her yeye and ahma coming home after supper
She always cry at the windows there and whispering to her yeye that she can't sleep
She will then unlock the door quietly and out from the room without waking her parents up
These train her the skill of opening the door without making any noise hehe
Yeye and ahma will took her to the dining room and sometimes to their bedroom
They will on the tv and let her watch her favourite cartoons
And will also talk to her until she fall asleep at her yeye's bed
Every night.
Her yeye will sleep at her leg there just because his grandchild was sleeping at his bed
Awwww yeye is so good
I miss yeye so much
Too bad yeye had passed away
Yeye always talk to her when she is in the bad mood
Yeye also always took good care of her when she was sick
Yeye always buy her Smartiessss
Yeye pick her back from school everyday
Wahhhh there's alot of nice memory with yeye
She even took photo with yeye before she cut off her long hair when she is 5
( Will upload the photos right after I retake the photos )

She was a tomboy while she is in her primary school
She don't like to wear dress
She don't makeup
She don't play barbie dolls
She don't cook
She don't shop
All her outfits are in black
She thinks black is cool
She don't diet
Because she is not fat at all
She loves to fight with the boys because she always think that girls are more powerful than boys
( clap hands )
And she won in every fight

Because of her attitude that loves to fight and play
She was given a nickname
the Mother Tigress
The life of being a tomboy is so stupid

She hates the secondary school
She followed her neighbour's car to school
She reached school at 1130
But the classes only starts at 1300
She had to stay in the dewan
Before she knows any of the girls sitting in front of her
Until she met Sarah
Finally she had a friend that could talk to her
Sarah has alot of friends
She has friends now after she met Sarah
Megan, Kimmy, Emily, Shereen, Justina
Few of them are in the same class
They gossip everyday
She started to love the school

She stopped fighting
She stopped running in the school compound
Because these will cause Demerit
She was scare of demerit
But now she wonder why she need to scare of it
She hates study
The new syllabus made her hates Science
Science is only Science in Primary school
But Science is no longer a science in Secondary school
We learnt that we can see things because of light
But now we need to know that light passes through iris blah blah blah
Sounds travel through ear canal and vibration formed
Garhhhhhhh STRESS
Starting from Form 4 life
Science is now biology, chemistry, physics
Stimuli is now in Biology
Stones become calcium carbonate, Chemistry
Lever is now in Physics
School can never be our second home
There's no love except for love from friends

I don't know since when she starts to love shopping
She loves fashion
Maybe is because of her mum
Her mum likes to bring her to shopping
and ask her to choose the dresses, tops, pants, shoes for her
She hates helping her mum to decide what to buy
So the only thing she can do is
Choose shirts for herself
This can help to stop her mother from asking her what to buy
Stop providing suggestion for her mum
But too bad
She became a shopaholic
A super shopaholic


She must buy at least one thing when she hangout with friends
Even though its just a candy
She must use her money to buy something
Or else she will feel that the outing is wasteful
She must buy at least a shirt when she go shopping with her mum
She will becomes moody if she bought nothing
She don't like to stay home during weekends
She wants to shop
She hopes she has plenty of money to shop
She hopes she can shop everyday without looking at the price tag

But luckily she don't buy branded stuffs
She feels sleepy and tired to shop when she shop in Midvalley
She don't like branded shops
She don't understand the point people buy branded stuffs
As long as you know fashion
Anything you wear is a fashion
No matter it's a branded or non-branded stuffs

Okay I think

If there's anything that I forgot to write,
Please do remind me
face-to-face / instagram / twitter / facebook / !
Have a nice day to all the readers

instagram // magdelovinit
twitter // magdelovinit // magdelovinit
facebook // Magdelyn Teo Tshin Tze

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