Tuesday 23 July 2013

Tuesday, 23rd July - Happy birthday babe! xoxo

Today is my babe's birthday
(which is my bestfriend)
But I feel really sorry because 
I was not going to school today 
due to the appointment

I went to the hospital today to check my ear
I'm actually having a minor operation for my ear today
But due to the wound's problem
The operation is cancelled
(Thanks god!)

The doctor said that I can only have the operation
when my wound is fully recover 
I think it's gonna take more than one month
Because the wound is not dry yet
And there is still pus coming out from my wound
But it gets better now

Sorry if it scared you guys,
it looks like an apple isn't it?

I have to go back to the hospital again two weeks later
I seriously hope my ear can be a good girl
and recover faster
I don't wanna miss the Kuching Festival 2013
I want to taste all the nice foods
I requested my dad to bring me there this coming sunday
At least I can still eat the delicious foods that are 
not containing seafoods and eggs

Lastly, happy birthday to my babe babi xoxo
I will always love you babe!
Although you always make me angry
and make me sad
And I always wonder why you never cry for me


Can we back to the past?
No arguement
No different ideas
Only gossips
Only happy moments
No sad moments

Happy birthday again babe! xoxo
This year you better say 'happy birthday' to me ahhhh!
I had waited it for 3 years already
(I know you won't have the chance to read these)

btw, here's a video made by her dearest sister
and also my darling dajie

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