Wednesday 27 November 2013

Documenting the study moments

Hello guys! I am now blogging at T4@CityOne
Sitting at the bar counter beside the balcony
Facing the sunlight and the buildings at the another side of the road
Ordered a cup of Caramel Macchiato from TommyBoy and brought it to T4
I feel so like a blogger now
Like I can just sit at a corner of a coffee shop for whole day
Tap the keypad of my laptop non-stoply
Listen to the christmas songs played 
How nerd hahah

         Plans for today :   
  • The Hunger Games : Catching Fire 2D
  • Shopping
  • Blogging
Haha I know the plans like these sounds kinda boring
But I had been studying for more than one month OMG
Those days were crazy
Hung out with friends just to study #nolife
Gonna upload the photos we captured during the study days
So sorry for the spamming of photos later x

Now Mawen and I are both updating our blog @T4 haha
This looks so cute (giggle)
We are gonna broke because we had planned so many activities for the holidays after next Tuesday!
Karaoke, movie marathon, Christmas party, steamboat, laser tag, blah blah blah
I'm so excited and I can't wait!

Okay now let's start the photo spam!
Here's the photo we took during the study days
Most of them are not filtered
I apologize for the poor photo quality

25th October 2013 | Magdelovinit, Megan, Emily, Clement

27th October 2013 | Magdelovinit, Megan, Emily, Clement, Mawen

 ( You are advised to zoom in to see the waiter's expression )

4th November 2013 | Magdelovint, Megan, Emily, Jia | State Library

2 days before Sejarah | Magdelovinit, Megan, Clement, Nelson

Haha I uploaded all the photo we took including the very stupid photos :O
The last photo we took today 

x from, magdelovinit

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