Monday 15 July 2013

The someone in my life

She was complaining why
I talked about my friends 
before I have a post about her

"Jiejie, zomok ni meiyou xie dao wo de" - my sis, Ivy Teo

Although we are very close
I still feel kinda awkward to write a post about her
But due to her request
I will do this awkward thing

We are living in the different family during our kindergarden days
So we rarely talk
And we argued whenever we started to talk

We started to live together with my grandma when she was in primary one
The life is getting more and more 'Cham' 
We argued everyday, even in the school
We even fight and I slapped her for so many times
Haha those time was kinda funny
Sometimes, I hoped I can hit her with a big hammer
And she turns into pieces
(evil sister I know)

She likes to cry
She cried whenever I hit her or scold her
Or maybe sometimes when she was the one that did wrong
Then mum will believed that I'm the one that made her cry
So I will get scolded

She is the diamond of my dad and mum
They treat her like she is a new born baby
I asked my mum, 
Why they love her more than me
I'm the eldest one 
Then my mum answered blah blah blah
I was still young so I don't really understand what she told me
But mostly are things like 

"The eldest one should let the younger one win" - Asian parents

But now, we are super duper close
She is my nurse when I'm sick or when I fall down
(hmmm I fell down oftenly)
She is my nurse for these few days
She dressing for my ear after I removed 
The I-don't-know-what-was-that-thing on my ear
She helps me to break my antibiotic into four every night
(because my throat is too narrow to swallow the pills)

She did a lot for me. 
I don't think I can live without her.

I love you babbieboooooooooo

Find out more at my instagram!

twitter // magdelovinit
Instagram // magdelovinit // magdelovinit 

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