Wednesday 10 July 2013

Wednesday, July 10

I have a ear disease since February 2013
Something grew in my ears
(But I don't know what it called)
It grew bigger and bigger and bleeding day by day
There's also pus coming out from the hole sometimes

I've got the braveness to remove the thing today.
Since today is a holiday for our school.

My doctor from the clinic told me that
They will only need to cut a cut there
Then the liquid and a passage inside can be removed.

I really thought it is that easy 
I always believe what he says
Until the moment the doctor from GH 
Put his hand on the thing on my ear
Squeeze it
Compress it

This doctor from GH told me that 
He will only draw the liquid out from the hole
But what he drew out is just blood
And after he drew out the blood
He said that the pustule is burst
So he squeezed it and compressed it
My tears kept flowing down my face

I knew they covered my ears with something
But I didn't know how my ear looks like until my dad shows me the photo

(I look so fat in this photo gahhhhh)

The doctor wanted me to go to the poly clinic for dressing
Everyday until the wound is dry
So I went to the poly clinic this afternoon
The nurse don't allow my dad and sister to go in with me
I was quite worried
But luckily the nurse is a Chinese and another is Malay
So I kept talking to them to reduce my fear
I thought it would be very very painful
Luckily, it is not painful at all.

This dressing made my wound looks nicer
But still feel kinda awkward when I went to the kopitiam for my lunch
Everyone was looking at me like I'm an alien

So, how was your day? 
You may comment or tweet me to let me know! 

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