Tuesday 20 August 2013

Good news!

The concert was successful!
Will upload the video and photos right after the exam! 
( yay ) 

The exam is on 29th August
Chinese is on the first day duhhhhh
I guess the exam will end at 9th 
Or 10th maybe
Will be back right after the tiring exam heheh

ps. I can't control myself not to post these before my exams

Okay scroll down to load the video before you start to read these
Or else you need to waste extra times to wait for it to load
It get worse while your internet is lag
So play it first
Let it load
Or you may try to imagine
How would we
Look like
Sing like
Dance like
in the video ?

The concert was successful
Quite successful
I only upload one video
the Don't stop believing
But its a little bit blur because my mum's hands are shaky
My dad only took pictures
I don't know why -_-
And those pictures are blur
I can't even recognize which one is me

Don't stop believing was the opening song
It starts ringt after Ms.Wong's speech
So it's like BLINK!
Yeah hope you know what I was trying to say heheh
( Ms.Wong is our teacher! )

You can feel our power when you listen to the song
Especially the parts our solo comes out
Hehe Soon Tau was our solo
He is so cute
And finally he did the actions Ms.Wong wanted him to do
He was so nervous before the concert starts
and also when the concert starts
and when he was on the stage especially
Because there were people from his church

He kept asking and telling me
" Magdelyn ahhhh how ah? I feel so nervous! "
" Take a deep breathe and just sing like what you did in studio "
" Ngaiti so nervous you know?! "
hahah our conversation.

Our another solo
Alyssa Cassidy
She is so gorgeous
We are her fangirl heheh
I took a photo with her
Like finally
But I realised that it is blur due to my dad's shaky hands
But it's too late
She went home

Okay she has no confidence when she sang in the studio
But her voice is still good
Always good
She had the confidence to sing during the concert
She was good !
( yay! )

Will upload the blur picture later

Our Banquet Fugue and Ti O O were good too!
I remember to sing while I act
I remember to act while I sing
Thanks god !
* kneel down *

Will try to upload the video too if my internet is good 

Took alot of pictures with the gangs from banquet fugue and don't stop
And had more new friends
and got the affirmation from my parents
This is the first time they saw us on the stage except from videos

I need to study now
I just started study last night
And the exam is next week!

Bye guys! 

Don't stop believing
temporary upload failed sorry
or maybe try these

Instagram // magdelovinit
Twitter // magdelovinit
Ask.fm // magdelovinit

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