Tuesday 10 September 2013

Events of August and parts of September

Hello guys!
( wave hands )
It's been a long time since my last post
I'm still having exam
Finally I manage to squeeze some times out for this post!
This is gonna be a long post

Okay I'm gonna write about
The farewell party
Some nights
The dinner
and some other stuffs

Before all these
I'm gonna post the photos of the concert
A Vocal Night

some blurry small peek of our outfit for Banquet Fugue and Ti O O

The art of photobomb

The only photo we took with my previous Chinese teacher
and also the previous Choir Club teacher
Pn. Luk
( huggies )

With my new friends, Ah Qing and Ah Wei

With the present Choir Club teacher
Ms. Wong
( the bridegroom )

With Crystal ! 
( our pianist for Banquet Fugue and Ti O O )
and all the peeps I love

With my babe and my boyfriend
Why boyfriend?
Because we took an album of couple shot during the photo taking for class photos
( kisses )

With my dearest dearest Alyssa
and Jonathan's chubby sister

ps I don't know why this photo is blur
I realised it when I got home
My dad's fault
( bows )

Crystal x

Start acting for Banquet Fugue

The group photo with some of the performer

The Don't Stop Believing !

ps the shirts are designed by Alyssa and Emily
( the future fashion designer woah )

Okay that's all for the concert


So now
The farewell party

I organised the farewell party
One of our friend
A primary school friend
one of my good friends
left us last Sunday

So I just organise it la for him and other friends that are leaving us next year
The attendance was so kolien
( haihhhhh )

Activity : Farewell Party
Date : 31st August, Saturday (National Day)
Venue : Flinders

We invited our teacher but too bad she was having flu so she didnt attend
( sad )
But we still had a lots of fun
We went to eat and gossip alot about the old friends heheh
Then we went to have a movie
This is the first time my mum allow me to go out with friends until around 0000
Thanks mama xoxo
( bows )
I will try not to do this again I promise heheh
Here are some photos of the farewell party

Okay this is the guy that left us and went to Penang haha
Rich kid
He skipped primary 6 and went to form 1 when we are still at primary 6
So he finished A level and now go for foundation

To my dearest black tall monster,
Happy studying
I will miss you because you helped me to find my supper that night haha
So as promised, I will miss you
Keep in touch
Share your days with me through whatsapp
It's so much better if you can create a blog and write what happened there!
Must let me know if you found a girlfriend there

xoxo from rapig

From the left
Jack, Mark, Jason, Winston
Jess, Magdelovinit
Ahahahahahahahaha requested by the girls 
I just realised that he actually loves to take photo like this

Exams are stressful
The best way for my sis and I to release stress is

There's some photo we took
We gonna upload it
But I think there's something wrong with my laptop or connection problem

So I will upload them next time!

We went to a family dinner on last wednesday
That's actually the first time we wore dress to family dinner like this
I don't know why
Just that I wanna wear all my dresses to parties and dinner
Or else my dresses will be wasted
( money fly away )

Some more photos here!

Bought my black dress from CityOne
The red dress from online shop

took and edited by my cousin, a new photographer

haihhh this angle is so not good
I look fat
From the left
magdelovinit, my cousin ( part-time model) Amelia, babe

Took somemore photos when we got home
My favourite photo 

With the puppet dog dog I bought last year

Went to the saloon and have some hairwash last Saturday
Camwhore again right after the hairwash
Babe cut her hair

Love my hair here ohmygawd
The power of hair saloon

Thats all for today!
But before I leave
Here's some MV I would like to introduce!

It's new songs from my favourite idol 
My forever love!
hugs and kisses hugs and kisses hugs and kisses

Here's the list of his new songs
Coup D'etat
Who You
Shake The World

I love all these!
Ahhhhhh ohmygawd he is so perfect
( fangirl screaming )


Coup D'etat with english subtitle

Coup D'etat - original MV

R.O.D | Niliria | Who You | Black | Shake Your World
have no proper MV yet
But there's live show videos on Youtube.com
Go and take a look!

xoxoxoxoxoxo G-Dragon xoxoxoxoxo

instagram // xxxibgdrgn
twitter // ibgdrgn

Follow him! xoxo

Love from,
instagram // magdelovinit
ask.fm // magdelovinit
twitter // magdelovinit
facebook // Magdelyn Teo Tshin Tze

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