Wednesday 25 September 2013

Exams | magdelovinit

Hello guys!
It's been few weeks since my last post
I was kinda busy
I got my exam papers back
and was revising my corrections

Some sneak peek for the second topic 

I had improve alot in this exam
Although I work less hard compared to the previous one
But my results improved
I don't know why
I got almost all the subjects passed
except for my Chemistry
I failed.
The mock questions are leaked the day before our exam
So almost all of us are just memorising what the tips told us to study
I studied all the tips ( except Chemistry )
But I forgot what I studied once I got the exam paper
Arghhhhh the questions are never easy to me

I got the tips for Chemistry exam the day before the Chem exam
But I decided to give up and went to sleep at 9pm
I studied only Thermochemistry 
After the exam, the friend that gave me the tips told me
" All the questions in the tips came out! Very easy right? "
" OMG I'm so regret I didn't study and I went to sleep "
So, Chemistry becomes my only fail in this exam

I only studied nilai and the definition for moral but not the format
I just answered those questions according to what I remembered
But I scored 65% for moral
I had never get more than 50% for it
I failed my moral in my last exam
But now, from fail, 20+%
to 65%


I wrote an essay for my chinese
微笑 ( Smile )
I wrote 4 pages and I scored 68/70 for that
I finally scored such a high mark for it
I have no confidence to my chinese essays when I entered high school
1st. It's just a minor subject in our school
2nd. Our school never think chinese is important
So the teachers always simply mark my essays.
I always scored less mark
This time, Finally!
( fireworks burning )

SPM in less than 40 days
I don't have the motivation to study
I don't know what to do
Pray to Lord, to Buddha, to my yeye
Please let me be more hardworking so I can score good marks in SPM
Thank you!

24th September 2013
I'm finally 17.
According to my friends, it's the age to be more mature and stop being childish
One of my friend called me 不成熟的女人 in his birthday wish to me
The immature woman.

The last year in high school,
I got a very very surprise and a good birthday celebration with my friends.
I always have phobia before the day before my birthday
I scare my friends will forgot my birthday.
I scared they will make me disappointed.
I scared...
I scared...
This phobia started at last year
I don't know why would these happen
I was so emo ohmygawd hahah

There was nothing happened when I just reached my school
Just the birthday wishes when I pass through the classes
And we went to a motivation talk at the school hall
ohmygawd I had a serious bodyache, butt-ache, back pain after that
Okay everything went right until the recess
We went back to class after the talk which is during recess
Megan stopped me before I reached my class and told me that Pn.Ng,
the scariest teacher wanted to see me
So she brought me to down and said that she saw Pn.Ng walked to the students' toilet
All these were so weird
After that, she brought me back to the third floor again
Alot of people were crowded outside and inside my class
I knew something was happening in the class
When I enter the room,
I saw birthday cake with lighted candles
I heard the birthday songs they sang
I saw their hyper faces
I felt my tears
rolled down my face.
Ohmygawd what are those
It was just too surprise and I was too happy and cried again
( Again = I cried last year )
They forced me to the corner of the class 
And sticked all the sticky notes with their wishes on it to my body
They sang the birthday songs again and I blew the candles and cut the cake?
Everything were so out of my expectations.
They are so sweet.
They read the the few love letters the guys wrote.
They wanted me to choose either one to be my boyfriend hahah
Nelson said he gave his heart to me as birthday present
He said that guy that love me are fools and he is one of the fools
Awwwww why are they so cute? 
Clement said that every moment he saw me was romantic
hahah they are so funneh
One of the chocolate on the birthday cake wrote
Turkey a.k.a Mag Mag
Thanks cicak
Thanks elephant
Thanks hippo
Thanks guys
You guys made my last birthday in high school wonderful
Love you xoxo

All the sticky notes with birthday wishes x

The birthday gifts from friends
From the left, 丑蛋 , 泰迪 , 特特 
and the necklace tete wearing from my sis

Here are few of the sticky notes that impressed me the most
Auntie Cicak's, Uncle Hippo, Aunt Elephant, Shitty Friend, The Old Horse, 
and the love letters from Nelson and Clement
Lastly, the wish from my cousin, Jeremy

I celebrated my birthday with my mum last night
At Sia Foodcourt @CityOne
I love the pizza and the scenery there
We ordered a birthday cake from Gingerbread house
( I don't know my friends would buy me cake )
Two cakes in a birthday make me fat
So I shared the cake they bought for me with them again this morning

Here are some pictures last night

Tiramisu chocolate cake

Hello! I'm finally 17!

Some selfie at the midnight with my sis

We took these randomly with the iPhone camera without looking at our own face
and these are the results

more photos in my instagram!
instagram // magdelovinit

Happy birthday to magdelovinit!

xoxo from,

instagram // magdelovinit
twitter // magdelovinit // magdelovinit

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