Wednesday 25 September 2013

Some words to my loves

朱子 // Babi Ong // Babe // Syee Ong // Sheeshee Ong // Pamela

Thanks to be the 3rd person that wish me this year :*
Luckily this year you didn't disappoint me although you are absent on my birthday
But thanks for the 0230 birthday wish babe xo
Help me to tell dajie that I love her spaghetti if you read this
I love you x

Jun Hua // Darling // Jiyeon's fan // No.1 bestfriend 

You are the another one that absent on my birthday
But thanks for the gift and the letter 
Please come to my class oftenly! 
We rarely talk now :(
Don't let studies stressed you up. 
You need some times to relax!
Love you! x

Auntie Yeo // Ms. Cicak // Grasshopper // Chopstick
Stop saying that I'm a kid like you are a grandma :/
Thanks for organising these and the cake 
Stop being rude to me. This is our last year together
Like Mawen said, we need to keep contact and see each other married to handsome guy 

Mawen // Uncle Hippo // Khalifah // The Dad of lambda Tan
Thanks because always be with me and always by my sides when I need you guys
Nothing much to say to you
The most important one, I will follow what you wrote in the letter
and you will always be my girlfriend! x

Emily // Elephant // Tian Shi
Thanks for suggesting about the cake
Stop asking me to study! :X

Ivy // Babe // Bie // Babbie // Babbieboo 
You are always by my sides since you were born until now
Thank you so much! Cheche loves you! :*

Mummy // Ah Bu // Mummymoo
Lots of love that I can't express by words
Love you forever! 

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