Monday 21 October 2013

Goodnight, sleep tight!

Hello! It's midnight now.
I realised that its been weeks since my last post.
I managed to write this post while I'm applying my mask now.
Due to the stupid skin quality, my face are painful due to the dryness.
I don't apply any skin care products.
Because they do made my skin becomes oily and gains more pimples.
I experienced it after every time I tried to use the moisturiser and stuffs.
So I only use the cleaning foam everyday and apply the mask once in a blue moon!
I bought the mask from natural republic. So far, the best mask I have tried?

16 days to SPM!
Counting down now.
The closer it gets, the more stressful I feel.
I never feel stress for exam. I think so. But except this time.
I have no proper environment to study and prepare for this super important exam.
Two weeks time to the exam, and I haven't complete a subject yet.
I'm not ready to face all these.

Pray to God!
Please give me some strength to study for it!
Good luck people! x


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