Wednesday 23 October 2013


We always want holidays
We always hope there's no school
We always blamed people that started the idea of school
Just because we don't want to study

Without schools, we would not have knowledge
Without schools, we would not have friends
Without schools, we would not have challenge
Without school, we would have nothing especially friends

During the last period,
Soon Tau asked me
"Magdelyn ah, you know the school is almost over right?"
"Yeah I know."
"Would you miss school?"
"Haiya don't worry lah I will miss you!"
"Would you miss school?"
"Yeah I think so."
"You know maybe we would not have the chance to see each other again?"

This conversation made me cried for almost half an hour!

Graduation is a happy stuff
But leaving friends that I love is a sad stuff
I hate graduation although I really hate study

Guys, I will miss you!
Will leave those touching touching words to the post after SPM! x

Cherson, you are a good brother too although you are fat.
I love you.


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