Tuesday 25 February 2014


Woke up at 8am on last Sunday morning, just because mummy suddenly have a thought of exercising. Mummy is a woman that never like to exercise. She prefers to spend her time on doing houseworks or sleep, but not exercise. Since it's an 'once in a blue moon' decision, I decided to join her morning walk. As a support for her first ever thought of exercise and also, to keep her company. 

This is my first time taking selfie with mum. Yeah I always camwhore with my sis, or both my mum and sis, but never a selfie without my sis around. 

That morning, we had our breakfast together after the morning walk, without Ivy. 

I rarely write about my mum in this blog. We only talk a lot when we came to topics like fashion, interior designs, shopping or cooking. 

I'm much more independent as compared to Ivy. So I don't really stick to her much. She is much closer with Ivy. Mum will spend more time on Ivy as she is younger and ... less independent. 

But when mum wants to discuss about topics that Ivy is not interested in or not well in, such as fashion and interior designs, I will be the partner. 

Due to my independence, I always decide everything for myself and sometimes we would argue because of different opinions. I did wrongs that made her angry. I did things that made her worry. I did wrongs that made her sad. Especially my health, she worried much about my health and really put a lot of effort in facing all my health problems. She is strong enough to carry this home by her own and take good care of both of us. Sometimes, she would complain, she would blame. But we know that she did a lot for us. 

She saved this in my iPhone, hinting us about what she wants. 

How cute huh? 

So today, I decided to write a post for her and posting some photos of us. 

You are my mum.
You are my family.
You are my tutor.
You are my friend.
You are my love. 

From the bottom of my heart, 
Love you momma aka nacheche ❤️

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