Friday 21 February 2014

The white pieces in The Nature 🌳

Went to the bookstore at Kenyalang to buy those magazines with cheaper price. Just got myself out from those new interior design magazines. 

Wanting to share some of the ideas and designs I got from weheartit now! (I might apply these ideas on my new bedroom's design!) So let's the photos speak! 👄

Fairy lights! 

Wishing to add this little corner in my house :( 

To display my collection of soft toys! 

I hope all the furniture are in white or maybe light wood coloured. 

Due to my childish thoughts last time, I painted the ceiling of the bedroom in blue and the walls in green. Try to imagine, the blue ceiling is the blue sky, the green walls are the grass. The theme of nature. Ps, my floor is the wooden floor from the previous owner. (Wooden floor is the ground.) 🙈

So now, I prefer that all the furnitures are in the colour I want and also the style I want. I will also DIY some accessories or just used the current stuffs I had, which are my collection of bears or the gifts from my friends to decorate the whole room. 

Blogged about a small corner of my future bedroom that was done few weeks ago. Flip to the previous few pages to read! Or, follow my Instagram (@magdelovinit)! I will keep you update in Instagram and also in this space! x 

Lastly, a photo of nature I took! 

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