Wednesday 19 February 2014

Depression | Miracles happened πŸ™Œ

Realized that my ear started to swollen again few days from today. (Yeah exactly like what happened last time) Click here to know more about what happened last time, and after reading, click here for another related post!

Was feeling really depressed since the day I realized about it. I scare that I might need to visit the doctor and squeeze the pus out again (which is consider as a phobia to me). I scare that I might need to put on the Bluetooth device (the gauze) again, which is really ugly and attention seeking. The part that swollen this time is much more bigger as compared to the last time. I feel really emo during these days. I wonder why I have a poor health compared to friends that have the same age with me. Because of my imbalance diets I guess? πŸ˜” All the sicknesses that came to me in one after another... Thyroid... Ear problems... (Will talk about the thyroid case tomorrow perhaps) 

I'm actually arranging the ear operation at Kuching Specialist. But due to some personal problems, it took too long to make a proper appointment for operation. I was really regret when it got swollen again. 

But miracle happened last night, the pus and blood flew out themselves from the swollen part. I wasted an hour inside the toilet just to clean it. But it just flew out non-stoply. So I just left it unclean and went to sleep because I can't stand the sleepiness. 

This morning, I realized that the swollen part became flat like it didn't swollen before. That's why I said miracle. But there's still wound with some blood clots on the wound. πŸ™Œ

My sis, Ivy just finished her job of cleaning my wound and also the dressing part while I posted these. Thanks again to her for helping me to clean these disgusting stuffs whenever my mum doesn't have the guts to clean them. Haha. πŸ™

Anyway, this is really a frightening experience for me. So I still arrange an appointment to visit the doctor this Friday and hoping to have the operation as soon as possible. To prevent it from recurring.

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