Saturday 15 February 2014

The Romantic Guys

Ps. Wanted to post this on the 14/02/2014 but ended up posting on the wrong blog. So just pretend that today is still valentines day! :3

Roses, bears, chocolates, valentines cards (with the price of n times of the original prices) are selling at the stalls set up beside the roads or in the shopping malls. 

All these valentines gifts are different from the gifts last time. Last time, there were only bouquet of roses or maybe with a small bear on it. Now, they can even change the roses to small bears or even Doraemon/Minions or blah blah blah. Since when these shop owners became so creative huh? ._.

Met some anonymous guys shopping for valentines gifts in the shopping mall. 

A 40+ aged man walked pass me carrying a big paper bag with huge bear inside.

A young man paying for a hello kitty he just bought from gift shop. (With a smile on his face somemore, how cute.) 

Before I left the shopping mall, I saw an old man hesitate around those stalls. We were wondering if he was buying those valentines gifts for his wife, his daughter or his grand daughter? It's really cute if he was actually buying valentines gifts for all of them awwww :3 But I was kinda rush so I could not see the ending part of it *giggle* 

Happy valentines again! x 

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