Wednesday 12 February 2014

👫 Valentine's Day | Chap Goh Mei 👪

It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, and also Chap Goh Mei. These two important event crushed on the same day. For those of you that haven't decide which one to go (boyfriend/family), I advise you to choose family. But if you scare that your boyfriend might be angry, why don't you just bring your boyfriend home and have the dinner together with your family, then go for the date after dinner? 

Valentine's Day is never an important day for me. For the past 17 years and also this year. I was always single on the Valentine's Day and I don't know why. Even if I have a boyfriend, I'm not allow to celebrate with him too, sadly haha. I spent almost every Valentine's Day with my mum and Ivy. We always go shopping and have something nice for dinner to celebrate the freedom of three single ladies. 

I remember few years ago, I went to sell roses with my cousins. We were not having a stall, so we need to carry the roses with a basket and asked every tables of customers if they want to buy roses. Almost every boyfriends will buy one for their girlfriend although the roses were super expensive. The price of roses rises during Valentine's Day, the way how florists earn money. 

We were selling those roses at the shops and coffee shops at Jalan Song area. I remember there's one guy that ran to us just to buy a roses for his girlfriend. "I saw you from far away and I were waiting for you guys to come to the place I was sitting at so I can buy the rose. Who knows you guys just walked pass. I want to buy one rose for my girlfriend." He said. He was so cute haha, not because of his good looking, but what he did was really cute and he was so good to his girlfriend awww. 

I saw these from a drama, it's actually a tradition of Valentine's day. You give the chocolates to the he/she you love and also confess to them, if they agree to be with you, they will accept your chocolates. But so far, I never see this kind of cases happening at any of my friends yet. So I wonder is this tradition really exists? 

This is a picture I found in
To all the couples/boyfriends/girlfriends, I suggest you to either give a homemade chocolate that you make yourselves, or make your own DIY Valentine's card. To show your sincerity.

What I would want for valentine's day? 
I don't want chocolate, it makes me fat.
I don't want roses, they wilt easily.
A night out with all the single friends?
Or, anything from him (If the HIM exists)

To all the single ladies, 
Spend your night with your families! 

Happy Valentine's Day! 
Happy Chap Goh Mei! :D x 

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