Monday 19 May 2014

Sacrifice for my own sake 💪

As what I blogged about, I had been hospitalized for my operation. The wound is now finally 3/4 recovered, but not fully recovered yet. According to the doctor, it's a little bit bacterial infection after the operation. 

In a wink of time, it had been one month after the operation. In order to have speedy recover, I sacrificed my loves toward chicken, cakes, buns, biscuits, pizza, and other things that consists of eggs. 

Based on what the old people like my grandmas said, I'm not allow to eat chicken, eggs and other food that are poisonous and food that might affect the recovery of my wound. I don't eat eggs, so it's super okay if they asked me not to eat eggs. Conversely, this is a good excuse for stopping them for forcing me to eat eggs. But chickens are my daily needs, my MUST-EAT food everyday! 

My antibodies are way more weaker as compared to others. So my wounds always take a long time to recover and always get infections. Stopping the intake of eggs and chickens is not the worst yet. My face and my wound got swollen for two days after I ate a bowl of kolo mee. (Mee consists of eggs.) I never thought that the case can be so serious that I have to stop taking anything that contains eggs! We have to google search and look at the ingredient lists behind the packaging before I eat. Pizza crusts contain eggs, cakes and some of the biscuits too. Unfortunately, most of the biscuits contained eggs and beans ( that are also consider as poisonous food ). So instead, we baked some chocolate cookies that were not containing any eggs or ingredients that are poisonous. Luckily we know how to bake 🙏 

Last Saturday, I thought that I was allowed to eat these food already so I tried a bowl of claypot mee by just eating the mee and vege, without any chickens. But who knows, pus came out from my wound on the next day. Ohmygawd 

The list of food that are consider as POISONOUS
🙅 eggs
🙅 chickens
🙅 beans/nuts
🙅 seafood
🙅 mee
🙅 pizza
🙅 cakes and buns
🙅 biscuits
🙅 etc.

Wishlist of the food I want to eat after I get recovered 
💗 Chickens 
💗 McDonalds
💗 Pizza
💗 Chocolate Cakes
💗 Kolo mee
💗 Biscuits
💗 and a lot more that I couldn't remember on this moment...

The days of eating just veges and porks are suffering 😭 I seriously need something tasty and delicious! 

Oh and btw, wanted to go for a Zumba class on the last Saturday but we were informed that the class was cancelled while we were about to leave from house. So instead, we went to have some jogging + running + dancing for two hours just at my house compound. Yes, dancing, but just some simple line dance that my mum and I learnt few years ago. The Saturday was well spent 🌈 Planning to go for my first ever Zumba class tomorrow night 👯 Gonna try some crossfit classes and other kinds of classes sooner or later 💪 

Pray for me so I can get well soon! 🙏 

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