Tuesday 13 May 2014

The queen of my life

 "A mother is your first friend,
Your best friend,
And your forever friend."

 I know I had written few posts about my mum, and uploaded the photos of my mum and I on Instagram (@magdelovinit) once in a while. So most of you might get sick of these. On this particular day of the year, I must write a post of my mum and how we celebrated with her. Nevertheless, flooding of photos on this space again.
Thank you for giving birth to these two cute princesses! 
(Hello Kitty was my sis's favorite soft toy, not mine.)

She is my mum,
my friend,
my teacher,
my idol,
my Queen.
I never said 'I love you' to her in real life. I usually/prefer to say these to her through writing.
I don't give her a kiss or a hug everyday or even once in a while
What I did every year on her birthday, mother's day and other important day are just shake her hand and tell her, "Mummy, happy _____ day!"
That's the only thing we do.
While we were still young, we would make her some cards on these particular days.
When we were able to buy her a presents, we gave her surprises every year.
Nowadays, because of the schools and work, we cut down the cards making and the surprises.
Through her expression, she was a little bit depressed for that.
This year, again, we didn't prepare any presents for her.
But I did some cards for her when I was alone at home.
After we brought her to the Mother's Day shopping, I gave her the cards with the presents we brought for her during the shopping.
The cards were the surprises this year because she thought we totally forgot about the Mother's Day.
I designed the cover of both cards.
The 'thanks MOM' is for my sister, she wrote what she wants to say to mum inside the card.
She is always the kid that never make my mum worried, so she deserves the 'thanks MOM'.
'SORRY MUM' is the one I designed for myself as a card for mum.
I'm the kid that always make mum worry and always do all the wrongs.
"SORRY MUM" is what I want to say to mum.

We had the Mother's Day dinner at Manhattan Fish Market.
Because of my operation, I am not allow to eat chicken, eggs and etc.
The only food I can take are fish and vege :/
So the poor mum and sis have to yield with these.

The MUST-thing on Mother's Day night :

Happy Mothers' Day to all the mummy in the world!
Happy Mummy Day to my Queen, Mummy Moo <3
To my dearest Mummy,
Thanks for being my friend.
Thanks for being a mum that I'm always proud to introduce you to the world.
Thanks for being the supermama that could mix around with all my friends.
Thanks for being the awesome camwhore buddy.
Thanks for being the fitness buddy as well.
Thanks for everything you gave me.
Thanks for bringing me to this world.
Thanks for being my MUM.
Sorry and I love you as always.

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