Thursday 1 May 2014

For the first time in my life

Hello guys! 

Was spending 2/5 of my labour day in Cozy and today, spending almost the whole morning doing my assignment 

To get rid of the tiredness of doing the assignment, I decide to spend some time on this space, sharing with you about the experience of being hospitalized and having the first operation of my life. 

If you followed my Instagram, you would roughly know what happened to me. 

The operation was supposed to done by June. But there's a gap for operation at the Saturday morning a couple weeks ago so the doctor called and asked me to check in by Friday, which was the Good Friday. 

I was arranged to stay in the eye ward because the ENT ward was too full. So the women that stayed in the eye ward are with either one eye covered, or gonna have the operation soon. 

What I thought about the ward before being hospitalized :
☝️The bed is uncomfortable
✌️The food are tasteless
πŸ‘Œ It's gonna be super hot over there

What I thought after I moved into the ward :
☝️The bed is not bad woah! 
✌️They served the super nice chicken that cooked with some idontknowhatsthat sauce 
πŸ‘Œ There's aircond, there's some cool air, but we can't really feel it. 

It's the first time of operation in my life so we don't really know what we need to bring to the hospital as we don't know the facilities of the hospital well. So I brought one backpack and another hand carry recycle bag. The backpack was full with iPad, iPhone, sudoku and food - Oreos, chocolates, biscuits, mee cups, milo 3in1, and etc. (I only ate 1/4 of them as my mum and sis finished the rest) The recycle bag was packed with all the daily use. We looked more like checking in for vacation but not operation 😏 

Done a lot of checkups before the operation - X-Rays, blood test, MRI, BP checking and etc. The funny thing is that, I was actually going for the operation for my ear disease. But the X-Ray was to scan my lungs. The nurse told us that that's to make sure that I don't have any other disease. πŸ˜‚ 

Do you ever realized that, in every drama, when someone is being pushed to the operation room or emergency room, there's always a shot of the running fluorescent light on the ceiling? πŸ˜‚

While I was on my way being pushed to the operation room, I saw the running fluorescent light that appeared in those dramas. Haha it's so funny that I was actually experiencing some of the scenes of dramas. My mum even took the video for it 🎬 

But unfortunately, the operation room wasn't as classy or as professional as what we saw on the TV, it was just a small one. There's one of the wall that's look exactly the same as what I saw on On Call 36 Hours haha. (It's a HK drama btw.) That wall was hang with a clock and those digital clocks for count downs. 

I couldn't tell you how the operation went and how the doctor cut my ear and sew it up blah blah blah because I was in the anesthesia state for the whole operation. Yes, it was general anesthetic, not local anesthetic. I was unconscious for about three or four hours. Then after I have the energy to stand up and walk to the mirror, I almost fainted after looking at the 'me' in the mirror. 
I became a Singh! πŸ‘³ LOL

Im not gonna write about the details of the wound here unless you ask me personally. I'm not gonna post any pictures of it too as it's too scary. I was frightened after my sis showed me the picture of it. 😡 

It's a good experience although the result is a little bit frightening 😬 Back to the routines while it just started, dressing of wound every night by my super incredible sister 😚 


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