Wednesday 4 June 2014

TGIH - Thank God It's Holiday!

Couple weeks had passed since my last update! Hello and how are you? 💗

I wish to use this blog to summaries and document the past months and my holidays 🙈 Today I'm gonna blog these with the style of blogging that was inspired by my favourite blogger (only for this post).

Keep reading and good news at the end of the post! 

In the past few weeks/months, I...

Had my first operation 👂

Read about this in my previous posts! 

Went to Daddy Cho's birthday party!

Resigned from The Cozy Cafe

which is where I was working! So hello to holidays haha

Celebrated Mother's Day with MummyMoo 👼 

Read more in previous post! 

Finally met my favourite Pau

Addicted to selfies taking 📷

Went to Zumba class! 

Decorated my room AGAIN! 

Gonna blog more about the room soon! 

Hangout with the girls 

Went to the karaoke date with the gang - THREE 

Snoopy wallpaper! 😍

Spent all the free times on baking 🍪

This was done last week! 

The cookies that was done last night! 

Before bake and

After bake! 

Yes! We are selling the cookies we baked now!

As what I blogged, I can't eat egg. But we love baking cookies, so instead, we decide to sell to you guys that are from Kuching! 

If you're interested, 
Comment below
See more and comment on my Instagram @magdelovinit
Drop me a mail at 📮

Waiting for your good news 💗 


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