Monday 24 February 2014

The reddish rain

I'm having a poor blood circulatory system. I always experience serious nose bleeding once I rubbed my nose or sneezed. These are all because of the weak blood capillaries :/

This morning, I experienced the most terrible nose bleed. It lasted for 6 hours. It woke me up from my sleep too. It just can't stop bleeding since the moment I woke up until I decided to ask my dad to send me to the clinic. 

I feel really grateful that I didn't fainted at home because of too much blood loss -_- 

Today, I broke the record again. The longest period last time was 3 hours. And today, 6 hours. My nose bleed for 6 hours non-stop. The doctor gave me some pills and vitamin C to stop the blood from bleeding. 

Feeling really powerless and dizzy after I reached home. Maybe because of the loss of blood. I didn't even take any breakfast or brunch nor lunch during that 6 hours. Off day today for the houseworks and evening walk. 

Also, my parents scolded me for this, because I only gave them a call to tell them about this after 5 hours of bleeding. Because I think it's serious enough to ask my dad to send me to the clinic. Everytime it happened, it will stop bleeding itself after I put some ice cubes or wet clothes on my forehead. 

My dad's friend said that swimming and cycling help to cure these kinds of problems. But I'm not good in both swimming and cycling ._. 

So any of the readers out there or friends out there know anyway to cure these? Please give me some advice! I need your help! Don't be afraid to email me ( or maybe comment on any photo of my Instagram (@magdelovinit)! 

Sending some blessings to you that have the same problems too x 


sonn said...

核心提示:打喷嚏流鼻血   一般情况下,鼻腔血管破裂性流血并不需要特别治疗。杨力教授说,既然鼻子出血与肺热有关系,人就应该在饮食,生活上尽量避免导致肺热的情形发生。要少喝酒,少吃辛辣……
  早上起床 打喷嚏流鼻血是怎么回事?


Magdelyn T said...

謝謝你提供的寶貴意見! 會嘗試☺️ x