Thursday 27 February 2014

To the brothers and sisters from my second home πŸ‘¬πŸ‘­πŸ‘«

Managed to catch up with some friends and teachers from primary school that play important roles in my life. Really appreciate those moments of gathering tho we didn't manage to gather all the classmates together. 

Those days of argueing against teachers, fighting and fooling around with all those people I called families in the school that was my second home are still new in my memories, and sometimes still replaying in my dreams. 

The teachers we hated and punished us the most, are actually the teachers that we would miss the most. 

We were lazy until we rather choose rotan than doing homeworks. The pain from rotan only lasted for few minutes but homeworks took few hours. That's what we think. Some of them even invented some ways to get rid of the pain from rotan. They apply glue on the hand to reduce the pain. I'm not sure if it works because I never tried. Haha. It's the worst when teachers tied up few rotan with rubber bands. It's super painful when the rubber band part hit you OMG. 

We were discussing that stupid idea we thought of. We trained everyday until we feel no pain when teachers hit us with rotan before we left the primary school. But after we went to the secondary schools, we knew that what we trained were wasted. Secondary schools don't use rotan, they use demerits. -_- 

The PJ lessons in primary school were one hour. Now, secondary schools have only less than half an hour. I remember how crazy we were while we played Ice&Bomb, AEIOU, and blah blah blah that I can't think of. I still remember the days we ran here and there in the school compound just to catch your friends. We were so childish huh? 

I remember how happy we were on the teachers day every year, not because to thank all the teachers, but to have the parties! We always had potluck parties every year. Jonyee was the one that always brought fried chicken, fries, fried noodles and blah blah blah from his shop. 

Guys and gals, do you still remember that there's one year we learnt about creating our own blog in he computer class? Almost all of us created our blog and we stalked each other and posted about all the stupid stuffs! Remember? The most terrible one, Jonyee, created a blog just to stalk me for few weeks and recorded my daily routines in school. Wth ._. Our old blogs are still exist, I just read back what we posted last time HAHAHAH. 

Here, are some words, that I wanted to say to some of you, my families, my friends : 

Thank you so much for bringing me so many precious memories on the last few years of my life of the primary school. You were the one that I cared the most. We had the way we communicate even though we sat at different seats. We can read what others wanted to say with just looking at the lips movement. Do you still remember these? I hope that our friendship may lasts long. Keep in touch! Love you as always, sexy lady. 

Just in case you don't know which Ting I'm calling, I decided to write Betty instead. We were good friends since primary one. I remember that you were the only one that wore the outfit other than school uniform on the  register day. You were not as active as we were but cooler and cold. You have your own style maybe? Thank you for telling me the truth during the cny visiting that day and I'm sorry that I had misunderstood you for so many years. I'm really sorry, please forgive me. Still friend, huh? You cool lady. 

The other Ting, that were not really close with me during primary one. Do you still remember that we were enermy and we always argued during primary one? But luckily, we were good friends for the rest of the life in primary school. Thank you for keeping me company and giving me supports on those days and especially the day we took the class photo! I never regret meeting you and having you as one of my good friend. Please, join more of our gathering okay? x

We weren't that close last time. But we were really close now. Did you apologized to that someone? Be brave and follow your mind, my dear. Btw, it's good to know that you are a fans of Bigbang! Love you lots. 

Thank you for giving me those wonderful and awesome memories! Will always keep them at the bottom of my heart. Luckily you still remember the days we competed about our results. Yes, my English standard is as poor as last time. Or do you want me to write all these in Chinese? 😏 I know you would say NOH. Wishing you all the best in Melbourne. Never ever try to forget me okay? You are one of my best friend, seriously. Birthday in a few days time huh? 😏 Oh Ps. Remember to whatsapp me when your girlfriend has any Bigbang stuffs giveaway! 😍 

Don't be surprise that I will write some message to you. I know you might found these things stupid and ...corny? I don't know I just google translate the word 肉麻 haha. You are one of my good friend too don't jealous. η•’η«Ÿζˆ‘ε€‘δΉŸζ›Ύε…±ζ‚£ι›£ πŸ˜‚ Keep in touch! 

I miss your big tummy. I'm sorry for poking your tummy last time. It's fun and I knew you enjoy it too haha X) I know I made you angry and we argued a lot. Hmmm I dreamt about you after a few days after we graduated and I cried omg. How important you are lol. I will always be your ζ―θžƒθŸΉ 😬 Love your big tummy and keep in touch! x

Jonyee & Shiak Chung,
We fight, we argued, we slapped each other and blah blah blah. But that's the way we show our love to our friends right? 😏 At least we are good friends now! Just that we are mature now, and fighting is no longer a way for us to express love. You will always be my friends, my brothers. And I will always be the ζ―θ€θ™Ž you guys used to know. Love you. Keep in touch! 

Hmmmm you weird monster, nothing much to say to you haha. Just want you to remember the memories we had although most of them were created after we left the primary school. You are still my good friend! *Pinch face* πŸ˜‚

You guys will always be my families. 

Lots of love from 袙欣姿 ❤️


Anonymous said...

Just in case nobody noticed, Ken has the longest "essay". And yes I do feel corny about stuffs like these but not stupid, you are the only person for now that understands this part of me...Woo so touched, i’ll take that as a compensation for writing so short to me. And I will stay Anonymous. :P

Magdelyn T said...

Hmmm I just noticed it actually and I thought his is the shortest LOL. Touching huh? :3 Itsokay as long as I know who you are ;D