Monday 10 February 2014

Worked for Spritzer Pop

As promised, I will write about the part time job I had before the Chinese New Year. 

It's a job for only 7 days. I was promoting Spritzer Pop. Here's a link for you if you don't know what's Spritzer Pop ๐Ÿ‘‰

Spritzer Pop is not that famous compared to other carbonated drinks. So it's kinda hard for me to promote and sell them. But I was addicted to the taste of Spritzer Pop since few years ago, especially the orange flavour. I always asked my mum to buy me few bottles of Spritzer Pop during Chinese New Year. I really love the taste as it's not too sweet and not too fizzy. The packaging is special because it has Doraemon on it ❤️

That was my first time promoting for beverage. I promoted for some other products, but for beverage, first time. The working place is really far from my house. If my house is at the east, the workin place is at the west. It takes more than 30 minutes to reach there. But luckily, the salary is kinda high, for me. RM80 per day + commission. My salary was the highest among all the promoters that worked there. 

For Spritzer Pop, I was the only promoter that worked in that outlet. I don't have any partner that work with me, not even a sales lady. So it was kinda lonely for the first few hours of working. 

I tried to talk with other promoters during break time. They are really friendly and I'm really glad to know them. I'm the youngest one and they helped me a lot during those working days. They taught me the skill of promoting the products, they helped me to carry the drinks to the counter, they even helped me to promote. 

Without them, I might had resign after the day one. 

To make my job easier, they bought every flavour to try the taste of every flavour. So it's easier for me to promote to the customers. For your information, there's 5 flavours, 

Lemon ๐Ÿ‘‰ A little bit sour 

Orange ๐ŸŠ ๐Ÿ‘‰ Sour
(You are advised to buy orange flavour if you prefer sour ones)

Apple ๐Ÿ ๐Ÿ‘‰ sour 

Mix berries ๐Ÿ“ ๐Ÿ‘‰ sweet

Ps. I haven't got the chance to try the Honeydew flavour yet. It's the new product btw! 

We had our dinners together and we will share all the funny things we experienced. We even went to McDonald to have our lunch for the last day of work, to celebrate and also to say goodbye. 

You might wonder why they are all guys. There's actually another girl but she ended her work one day before so we couldn't have the chance to celebrate with her. 

Why I'm the only one wearing the blue tee? 
It's my attire for my job. Some of them were actually wearing orange shirt and some were wearing red. We have our own attire for our job. Just the problem of the filter :3 

That's all for the job I think. Email me if you wanna know more? x

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